All About
Muslim Media Hub

Our Vision

At Muslim Media Hub, our vision is to transform the way Islam and Muslims are understood in the West. By establishing a vibrant community of Muslim creatives, media professionals, and leaders, we are creating a dynamic space where innovation in media production thrives. Our goal is to challenge stereotypes, illuminate the richness of Muslims' everyday lives, and share the beauty of Islam through cutting-edge media.

Our Mission

Muslim Media Hub is committed to leveraging the power of media to reshape the narrative surrounding Islam and Muslims. We produce authentic content that showcases the true spirit of Islam—stories of resilience, faith, compassion, innovation, and diversity. Our programming includes TV shows, films, podcasts, and social media content designed to foster understanding and promote positive perceptions.

Our Values

We value authenticity, diversity, and creativity. These principles guide our work as we empower Muslim voices and stories. We are dedicated to:
  • Content Creation: Developing new films, television shows, podcasts, and social media content that change perceptions about Islam and showcase Muslims.
  • Youth Empowerment: Equipping Muslim youth with skills in videography, editing, scriptwriting, and storytelling through hands-on training and mentorship.
  • Community Engagement: Engaging with Muslim grassroots initiatives for strategic planning and outreach, thereby transforming how Muslims are perceived on screen and in their everyday lives.

Our Programming

At MMH, our programming is diverse and impactful:
  • Television and Film Production: Crafting compelling narratives that reflect the diverse experiences of Muslims.
  • Educational Workshops and Seminars: Offering courses and workshops that train the next generation of Muslim media professionals.
  • Social Media Campaigns: Utilizing platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to spread positive and engaging content about Muslim life.

Our History

Founded by Dr. Shabir Ally and Dr. Safiyyah Ally, Muslim Media Hub builds on the legacy of the popular television show "Let the Quran Speak." For over 22 years, this show has played a pivotal role in transforming public conversations about Islam, presenting a Canadian Muslim identity built on optimism, respect for diversity, and a commitment to fairness.

A bit about our achievements.

Our commitment to authentic representation and meaningful dialogue has resonated with a vast and growing audience. Their engagement is a testament to our impact.

YouTube Subscribers
Facebook Followers
Weekly Cable TV Viewers
Years on Air

Testimonials on LQS

Testimonials from Islamic Scholars on Let the Quran Speak (LQS)
"22 years on the air! Let the Quran Speak started with humble means and today it’s “the Muslim show” on television. The show has reached homes and places that cannot be reached by any other means besides media. Congratulations on a beautiful, inspiring show that advances and honours humanity."

Imam Hamid Slimi

"This channel has produced top-notch programming that looks to the immediate and future needs of Muslims and addresses topics that are important to our lives here in Canada. It’s amazing the number of hours that have gone into the program and the quality of work that has been done."

Imam Abdurrashid Taylor

"I’ve always thought of myself as an open minded individual, but after watching your show for a few weeks, I discovered some remaining unconscious biases that I had towards Muslims. Your dedication to presenting Islam as a rational and moderate system of belief and way of life has had an immense impact on me and I’m extremely grateful to God for inspiring you to do the great work you do."


"I am not Muslim. I came upon Let the Quran Speak by pure coincidence. I am pleasantly surprised by the level of intellect and realistic talk. I know that there are thousands of different opinions in every religion, but unfortunately the very conservative side of Islam is often seen as the norm. I am feeling a bit dumb to have subconsciously conformed to that narrative."


"I am a convert and learn Islam basically by myself. Thank you very much for your wonderful YouTube channel LQS. It really helps me to understand Islam and become a better Muslim. Lots of love from Switzerland to the entire LQS Team!"


"I find your TV show intriguing. Though I myself am Christian and intend to remain so, I dream that some day we can all live together in peace and harmony. Thanks to people like you, that dream may become a reality."


We warmly invite you to be a part of our family at
Muslim Media Hub

Join our mission at Muslim Media Hub to showcase the rich diversity of Muslims' lives
and share the beauty of Islam with the world. Together, we can make a
significant impact on the media landscape and beyond.

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